Pirate Defense
About Pirate Defense
Pirate Defense is a pinnacle defense technique game that veers off from the conventional pinnacle defense model by permitting you to get as near the activity as you dare. You need to put cautious designs to keep pirates from coming in 15 testing levels isolated into 3 regions. Each guide has numerous spreading ways intended to remunerate players who settle on essential decisions about their position and selection of pinnacles. Overhaul and fortify your defenses for more grounded defenses. Best of luck
How to play
Drag and Drop the defense on the marked spot
Category and Tags
StrategyPuzzleActionShootingArcadepirate defensepirate defense systemspirate defense mod apkpirate defense walkthroughpirate defense videopirate defense on boatssailboat pirate defenseyacht pirate defenseporch pirate defensepirate defense gamepirate defense songAdvertisement